Apply For Singapore

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Singapore offers a progressive education system with state-of-the-art facilities. It is home to universities that have won global recognition for top-tier academics and advanced research facilities. Many multinational companies have their headquarters and research and development laboratories in Singapore. International students are eligible to work part-time for 16 hours a week during the term of their courses and for unlimited hours during the vacation period. After completion of the degree, international students can apply for a Long-Term Visit Pass which enables them to stay in Singapore for another year even if they don’t get a job immediately after passing out. Students who do secure a job within this span of time are issued a Work Pass which allows them to work in Singapore. Efficient city planning, a developed economy, superior geographical location, a sound legal system, convenient transportation, a warm climate, along with a tolerant and friendly social atmosphere make Singapore a study destination. Call us if you are considering studying in Singapore.

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